Friday 29 May 2020


Purna Parmatma KavirDev (Kabir Parmeshwar) was present in Satlok even before the knowledge of Vedas and has also manifested himself in four ages to give his real knowledge (philosophy).

The Supreme God KavirDev (Kabir Parmeshwar) was present in Satlok even before the knowledge of Vedas and has also manifested himself in four ages to give his real knowledge (philosophy). In the Satyuga, Satsukrita has appeared, in Tretayuga, in the name of Muninder, in the Dwapar Yuga, in the name of Karunamayya, and in Kaliyuga, in the name of Kavir Dev (Kabir Prabhu). Apart from this, by appearing in any other form, they appear at any time and become intricate.

The body of God is not of the five elements composed of the sum of the nadis. One is made of noor element. Whenever the full God appears here, he never takes birth from his mother because he originates everything.

God Kabir comes in all four ages
     सतगुरु पुरुष कबीर हैं, चारों युग प्रवान
     झूठे गुरुवा मर गए, हो गए भूत मसान।।

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